Go to our NEWSLETTER page to see the December edition.
Check out our latest EcoNugget: Carbon Pricing: The Good News! on our ECONUGGETS page. And remember to check your bank accounts to see the amount of your Canada Carbon Rebate. The amount you’ll receive depends on your family situation – $140 for the first adult, $70 for the second adult, and $35 for each eligible child. You should receive your first rebate for the year on January 15.
About us
Are you interested in climate change and other global environmental issues? The Nith Valley EcoBoosters is a not-for-profit, politically non-partisan volunteer group committed to achieving and supporting a long-term healthy environment in Wilmot and Wellesley Townships through education, action and collaboration. We are not environmental experts – just residents of the Townships who are concerned about the climate crisis!
Help us make a difference in our community by getting involved and taking action on one or more local environmental concerns. There is no fee to join. Nith Valley EcoBoosters is funded by donations, fundraising efforts, and grants.
Please contact us via e-mail (nvecoboosters@gmail.com) if you would like more information about joining our group or attending one of our upcoming meetings.
If you would like to know more about the history of our group, who we are, and what we do, please click on the following link for our “History and Terms of Reference” document: https://nvecoboosters.com/history.pdf
staying in touch
- Would you like to receive e-mails from us about our upcoming events? Please contact us at: nvecoboosters@gmail.com
- Check out our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/Nith-Valley-EcoBoosters-106180851258463/
- We are also on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/nvecoboosters/
politically non-partisan??
Politically non-partisan means that the Nith Valley EcoBoosters (NVEB) does not endorse or support specific political parties, politicians or candidates. This does not preclude NVEB from engaging in education and/or advocacy directed toward political or other issues related to the environment.