Register for this free webinar at: https://bit.ly/gettingoffgas
Did you know that buildings are Canada’s third-largest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions? Much of that comes from the natural gas, oil and propane used to provide space and water heating. But other equipment in and around our homes also uses fossil fuels, such as gas stoves, fireplaces, lawnmowers, and generators. The good news is that electrifying this equipment can significantly lower your GHG emissions—along with providing many other benefits for you and your family.
Of all the actions households can take to act on the climate crisis, the most important is to fuel-swap, meaning, to stop using fossil fuels in our structures. In particular, we need to stop using “natural” gas. Gas is a polluting fossil fuel that produces harmful carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Going all-electric isn’t just good for your wallet and the climate, it’s also good for your family’s health. Far from the “clean and natural” image that the gas industry promotes, the use of gas for heating and cooking indoors carries many health risks.
In this free webinar, co-hosted by the Nith Valley EcoBoosters and Reep Green Solutions, participants will learn about:
- Problems associated with the use of natural gas.
- Heat pumps and other “electric” alternatives to gas furnaces, water heaters, stoves, dryers and fireplaces.
- The minimum specs someone should look for in these alternatives.
- Information about the Federal interest free loan program and the new Ontario energy efficiency rebate program.
Our keynote speaker is Heather McDiarmid who is the founder of McDiarmid Climate Consulting. She specializes in researching, analyzing and communicating climate mitigation solutions for the residential sector. She is the proud owner of an all-electric home and if she ever moves, she is taking the induction cooker with her! A Question & Answer period will follow Heather’s presentation.
Register for this free event at: https://bit.ly/gettingoffgas